Предлагаем вам интересные логические загадки на задачки логику на английском языке. Английские задачи на логику не только полезны для развития логического мышления, но и помогут обогатить словарный запас.
Логические загадки на английском
Предлагаем вам несколько блоков логических загадок, рассчитанных на разный уровень владения английским языком.
Для того, чтобы решить следующие логические загадки на английском, вам понадобится лишь смекалка, особых знаний английского они не требуют, загадки построены на базовой лексике.
- What is the largest ant in the world?
- David’s father has 3 sons: Adam, Bob and …. who?
- What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in thousand years?
- What part of London is in Brazil?
- What is the beginning of everything, also the end of life?
Логические загадки второго блока потребуют от вас более глубокого знания лексики.
- What starts with E, ends with E and only has one letter?
- What start with a «t» ,end with a «t» and is full of «t»?
- What runs but never walks?
Сложный или нет, решать вам, но для того, чтобы успешно справится с логическими загадками данного уровня вам потребуется неплохое знание устойчивых выражений в английском, так как загадки в той или иной степени построены на игре слов.
- Which is faster, hot or cold?
- What kind of dog never bites?
- Why did I throw the butter out of the window?
- What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?
- When you say this word, it disappears. What is it?
Логические задачи на английском
Задача 1. Who’s who?
In Red Street, there live five people with five different jobs. Their names are Nick, Simon, Gregory, Mike and Nelly.
Their jobs are a vet, entrepreneur, doctor, writer and lawyer.
Their annual incomes are 3 million, 4 million, 5 million, 10 million, 20 million.
Their ages are 25, 35, 40, 50, 60.
They all have between 0-3 kids.
Read the facts about the people and complete the chart below:
Name |
Age |
Kids |
Job |
Income |
Nick |
lawyer |
Simon |
60 |
Gregory |
40 |
3 |
vet |
Mike |
Nelly |
3 million |
- Nick earns half as much money as Simon.
- The entrepreneur earns the most.
- Mike has as many children as Nick.
- The oldest earns the second highest salary.
- Nick is twice as old as Nelly.
- The doctor has no kids.
- Mike is younger than Gregory.
- Nick has twice as many kids as Simon.
- The person who has one kid is a writer.
Логическая задача 2. Birthday Party!
Tim is 5 today. He has invited five friends to his birthday party. Can you tell who each child is?
- Kate is sitting next to Tim.
- Margareth is between two boys.
- Marik is opposite Lora.
- Dan is sitting beside Marik.
Логическая задачка 3. Friends.
Fill in the chart according to the info below.
- Alex, whose birthday is in August is in the middle and he’s 8 years old
- Kate is 6 years old and she is the first, her birthday is 2 months before Alex’s
- On the right is Sam and she is 10 years old. Her birthday is 2 months after Alex’s
- Sophie’s birthday is in July and she is 7 years old,
- Jack is between Sam and Alex he is 9 years old, and his birthday is 3 months after Kate’s
Name |
Birthday |
Age |
Блок 1.
- Elephant
- David
- Letter M
- Letter L
- Letter E
Блок 2
- envelope
- teapot
- Nose, river, etc.
Блок 3.
- Hot, you can easily catch cold
- A hot dog
- Because I wanted to see the butterfly.
- A promise
- Silence
Who’s who?
Name |
Age |
Kids |
Job |
Income |
Nick |
50 |
2 |
lawyer |
5 |
Simon |
60 |
1 |
write |
10 |
Gregory |
40 |
3 |
vet |
4 |
Mike |
35 |
2 |
entrepreneur |
20 |
Nelly |
25 |
0 |
doctor |
3 |
Birthday Party!
- Lora 2. Kate 3. Tim 4. Margaret 5. Dan 6. Marik
Name |
Kate |
Sophie |
Alex |
Jack |
Sam |
Birthday |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
Age |
6 years old |
7 years old |
8 years old |
9 years old |
10 years old |
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