Притяжательный падеж в английском языке. Упражнения

Добрый день! Сегодня выполним упражнения на притяжательный падеж существительных в английском языке. Повторить правила по теме Вы можете в статье ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ – ПРАВИЛА. На сайте также есть онлайн тест по данной теме.

Вот вам кратенько инфографика для повторения.

притяжательный падеж инфографика

Ну что же, приступим.

Possessive Case упражнения

Упражнение 1. Укажите единственно верный вариант употребления притяжательного падежа.

  1. My ... parents have recently decided to move to the country.

1 sister’s-in-law

2 sister-in-law’s

3) sister-in-laws’

4) sister’s-in-laws

  1. Next Tuesday we’ll mark my ... wedding anniversary.

1) sister’s and brother’s-in law

2) sister and brother-in-law’s

3) sister and brother’s-in-law

4) sister’s and brother-in-law’s

  1. It was ... idea to celebrate Christmas together with our classmates.

1) Nick’s and Andy

2) Nick and Andy’s

3) Nick and Andy

4) Nick’s and Andy’s

  1. I send you many thanks and the very best wishes on this ... Day.

1) Mother

2) Mother’s

3) Mothers’

4) Mothers’s

  1. The ... shouts of excitement started dying down as the other team scored the winning goal.

1) supporter’s

2) supporters

3) supporter

4) supporters’

  1. My ... jokes always make us cry with laughter.

1) father-in-law

2) father’s-in-law

3) father’s-in-law’s

4) father-in-law’s

  1. Where are ... schoolbags? Have you seen them by any chance?

1) Jane and Claire

2) Jane’s and Claire’s

3) Jane’s and Claire

4) Jane and Claire’s

  1. They say that... milk is very useful.

1) goats

2) goat’s

3) goats’

4) goat

  1. The painting disappeared from the ... house yesterday evening.

1) owner

2) owners

3) owner’s

4) owners’s

  1. All my ... bicycles are better than mine.

1) friends

2) friends’

3) friend’s

4) friend

  1. These are ... cameras. They are expensive, aren’t they?

1) Pete and Tim’s

2) Pete’s and Tim

3) Pete and Tim

4) Pete’s and Tim’s

  1. The ... department is upstairs, on the third floor.

1) mens’

2) men

3) men’s

4) man’s

  1. The ... area is run by experienced stuff.

1) child’s

2) children’s

3) childrens’

4) children

  1. It is the ... fault, not the children’s.

1) growns-up

2) growns-up’s

 3) growns’-up

 4) grown-ups'


Упражнение 2.  Transform the following sentences using possessive case of nouns where possible.

  1. I’m a great lover of the music of Mozart and Chopin.
  2. The house of my Aunt Mary was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.
  3. Manchester United Club spends millions of pounds on the wages of its players.
  4. What do you think of the recent article on the problems of education?
  5. The bedroom of Paul and Helen was spacious and comfortably furnished.
  6. The favorite opera of my father was the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.
  7. I asked her for a glass of juice.
  8. We were celebrating the victory of our football team.
  9. I’ll always remember the apple-pies of my mother-in-law.
  10. According to the recipe you must add a spoonful of honey to the dough.
  11. The essays of Kate and Ann were the best in the class.
  12. He gave me a bar of chocolate for a snack.
  13. Isn’t it strange that he enjoys spending money of other people?
  14. When burglars broke into Simon’s house, they stole all the jewellery of his mother.
  15. The house you are looking for is at the end of the road.

Ответы к упражнениям на притяжательный падеж.

Упражнение 1.

1 – 2, 2 – 2, 3 – 2, 4 – 2, 5 – 4, 6 – 4, 7 – 2, 8 – 2, 9 – 3, 10 – 2, 11 – 4, 12- 3, 13 – 2, 14 – 4

Упражнение 2.

  1. I’m a great lover of Mozart’s and Chopin’s music.
  2. My Aunt Mary’s house was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.
  3. Manchester United Club spends millions of pounds on its players’ wages.
  4. What do you think of the recent article on the problems of education?
  5. 5. Paul and Helen’s bedroom was spacious and comfortably furnished.
  6. My father’s favorite opera was Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.
  7. I asked her for a glass of juice.
  8. We were celebrating the our football team’s victory.
  9. I’ll always remember my mother-in-law’s apple-pies.
  10. According to the recipe you must add a spoonful of honey to the dough.
  11. Kate’s and Ann’s essays were the best in the class.
  12. He gave me a bar of chocolate for a snack.
  13. Isn’t it strange that he enjoys spending other people’s money?
  14. When burglars broke into Simon’s house, they stole all his mother’s jewellery.
  15. The house you are looking for is at the end of the road.

Спасибо за внимание!

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2 Комментариев для "Притяжательный падеж в английском языке. Упражнения"

  1. В первом задании первого упражнения правильный ответ — 2, а не 1.

  2. 14. Grown-ups’ fault. Definitely.

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