Проходите тему Профессии? Готовитесь к уроку по теме Профессии? Значит, Вам пригодятся следующие упражнения, благодаря которым Вы не только запомните названия профессий на английском, но и научитесь делать описания своей (будущей) профессии на английском.
Прежде чем приступать к выполнению упражнений, ознакомьтесь со списком профессий с переводом. Упражнения на отработку профессий идут в порядке возрастания сложности. В конце вы найдете ответы для самопроверки.
Exercises on professions. Упражнения для детей и начинающих изучать английский язык.
Упражнение 1. Прочитай названия профессий и обведи две профессии, которые тебе больше всего нравятся.
- a doctor — врач
- a nurse — медсестра
- a driver — водитель
- a worker — рабочий
- a builder — строитель
- a seller продавец
- an economist — экономист
- an engineer — инженер
- a housewife — домохозяйка
- a businessman — деловой человек
- a military man — военнослужащий
Упражнение 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs
Упражнение 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.
Example: Beethoven – a composer.
- Shakespeare –
- Einstein –
- Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington –
- Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Vysotsky –
- Sherlock Holmes, Captain Losev –
- Frantsysk Skaryna –
- Admiral Nelson, Admiral Ushakov –
- Valery Chkalov, Yuri Gagarin –
- Leo Yashin –
Более сложные упражнения на профессии (для 6 – 9 классов).
Упражнение 4. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.
a reporter a fisherman a carpenter a businessman a shop-assistant a police officer |
a pilot a driver a housewife a postman a programmer a student |
a vet a chef a traveller a scientist a designer a musician |
a librarian a nurse a secretary a farmer a dentist an engineer |
b) which of these are not actually professions (4)?
c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting.
Circle the jobs you would never like to do.
Put brackets around the well-paid jobs.
Cross out the jobs you think are boring.
Tick the jobs you think you’ll be good at.
d) Which jobs from the list match these definitions?
- — a person who does experiments.
- — someone who works in the country with animals or plants.
- — a person who cooks in a restaurant.
- — a person who makes things from wood.
- — a person who helps a doctor in a hospital.
- — someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.
e) Write 3 more definitions of the jobs people do. Work in groups. Can your classmates guess the jobs?
Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.
A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist.
- A doctor who treats teeth is ...
- A person who paints pictures is ...
- A person who types papers is …
- A person who takes part in public life is …
- A scientist who studies the structure of materials is …
- A scientist who studies the structure of organisms is …
- A person who writes books is ...
- A person who knows a lot about his job is ...
Упражнение 6. Look through the list of circus jobs. Translate them and say which of them you like best and why.
Acrobat, clown, magician, tamer, ringmaster, horse-rider, fire-eater, manager, musician, weight lifter, jumper, dancer
Упражнение 7. Write the names of five jobs that people do:
- inside the building,
- in the open air,
- with their hands,
- with the help of a computer,
- using a pen.
Упражнение 8. Write the names of professions that are connected with the words.
Example: mark — teacher
Hammar Machine Bus Potatoes Wood Water Patient |
Dress Hair Paper Telephone Money Plan Injection |
Metal Food Dust Letter Newspaper Restaurant Book |
Упражнение 9. Build the names of jobs and professions from the given English words. Translation may help you to do it.
- build ( строитель) ____________
- music ( музыкант) ____________
- employ (наниматель,служащий) a) ____________b) ____________
- history (историк) ____________
- biology (биолог) ____________
- invent ( изобретатель) ____________
- account (бухгалтер) ____________
Упражнение 10. Choose from the box gender-neutral names for the given professions.
Mail carrier, congressional representative, salesperson (2), bar person, police officer (2), flight attendant, chairperson, firefighter, business executive (2)
- Chairman _____________________
- Businessman _____________________
- Businesswoman _____________________
- Mailman _____________________
- Stewardess _____________________
- Policewoman _____________________
- Policeman _____________________
- Salesman _____________________
- Saleswoman _____________________
- Barman _____________________
- Fireman _____________________
- Congressman _____________________
Exercise 2.
1 – f, 2 – k, 3 – e, 4 – m, 5 – b, 6 – c, 7 – i, 8 – g, 9 – h, 10 – a, 11 – d, 12 –l, 13 – j, 14 – p, 15 – o, 16 – n.
Exercise 3.
- poet / playwright / dramatist
- Scientist
- Presidents
- Singers
- Detectives
- Printer
- Sailors
- test pilots
- goalkeeper
Exercise 4.
репортер рыбак плотник бизнесмен продавец-консультант полицейский |
Пилот водитель домохозяйка почтальон программист студент |
ветеринар шеф-повар путешественник ученый дизайнер музыкант |
библиотекарь медсестра секретарь фермер стоматолог инженер |
B) a businessman, a housewife, a student, a traveller.
D) a) a scientist, b) a farmer, c) a chef, d) a carpenter, e) a nurse, f) a secretary
Exercise 5.
Possible answers:
1 a dentist, 2 a painter, 3 a typist, 4 a politician, 5 a chemist, 6 a biologist, 7 a writer, 8 a professional
Exercise 6.
Акробат, клоун, фокусник, дрессировщик, инспектор манежа, наездник, огнеглотатель, менеджер, музыкант, штангист, прыгун, танцор
Exercise 8.
Builder Engeneer Driver Farmer Carpenter Sailor Doctor |
Model Hairdresser Typist Secretary Banker Architect Nurse |
Caster Cook Cleaner Postman Editor Chef Librarian |
Exercise 9.
- builder 2. musician 3. a) employer; b) employee 4. historian 5. biologist 6. inventor 7. accountant
Exercise 10.
Ответы:1. chairperson 2. business executive3. business executive 4. mail carrier 5. flight attendant 6. police officer 7. police officer 8. salesperson 9. salesperson 10. bar personII. firefighter 12. congressional representative
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