Reading comprehension: texts about animals

read about animals

Сегодня представляю Вам reading comprehension tests with answers. Главными героями всех историй являются animals, то есть животные. Тесты для чтения подойдут для 4 – 5 классов. В конце статьи Вы найдете ответы ко всем тестам по чтению, уто упростит проверку выполнения данных несложных тестов для чтения.

Reading comprehension texts

Strange Animals             

stories about animals

  Уровень: Elementary.

  Тема: животные, описание внешности.

  Грамматика: is / are, have / has.

  Количество слов: 118.

Logums are animals from the planet Dentol. They are very large. A Logum has a very big body. His neck is short and his head is small. He has four short thick legs. His feet are flat. Each foot has three big toes. A Logum has a long trunk like an elephant. Under the trunk there is a very big mouth. There are four sharp teeth in the mouth.

The Logum’s eyes are small and round. His ears are small and narrow. They are in the middle of his head. A Logum has long thick green hair. He lives in a cold climate. He is a slow animal. He has bad sight and bad hearing. He eats meat.

Ex 1. Прочитайте текст “Strange Animals” и скажите, где живут странные животные.

Ex 2. Проверьте, правильно ли вы поняли текст. Выберите ответ, который соответствует тексту.

1. What planet are Logums from?

a) our planet      b) the planet Dentol      c) the moon

2. Are Logums large or small?

a) small       b) not very large       c) very large

3. How many toes has a Logum?

a) two       b) three       c) four

4. Has a Logum a trunk?

a) Yes       b) No

Ex 3. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

1. The Logum’s feet are

a) flat       b) short.      c) thin.

2. A Logum is like

a) a tiger.       b) an elephant.      c) a horse.

3. A Logum lives in

a) a warm climate.       b) a hot climate.      c) a cold climate.

4. A Logum eats,

a) meat.      b) grass.         c) leaves.

Ex 4. Скажите, какие из следующих предложений правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

  1. A Logum has a very big tail.
  2. His head is small.
  3. His mouth is big.
  4. He has four teeth.
  5. His ears are small and narrow.
  6. A Logum is a nice animal.

Ex 5. Describe Logum. Write at least 3 sentences.


The Lion and the Mouse.

lion and mouse

Уровень: Elementary.

Тема: животные, взаимопомощь.

Грамматика: Present Continuous.

Количество слов: 199.

A lion is sleeping in his den. A mouse is running near the den. She runs into the lion’s den, jumps on his head and sits on his nose. The lion is angry. He takes the mouse in his strong paw.

“What are you doing, silly mouse?”, roars the lion. “I am going to kill you”.

The mouse is crying. “Please, don't kill me. Who knows, perhaps one day I can help you”.

The lion laughs when he hears it. He thinks it's a joke. How is a little mouse going to help the King of Beasts? But he lets the mouse go and it runs out of the den.

Some days later the mouse is running in the forest. She is looking for food. Suddenly she sees the lion in a big net. The net is a trap. “Lie still”, says the mouse to the lion. The mouse begins to chew the net. She is chewing and chewing and chewing. She is making big holes in it. First the lion’s paws are free, then his head and the lion jumps out. He is free.

“There”, says the mouse. “You see how a little mouse can help a lion”.

Ex 1. Прочитайте сказку “The Lion and the Mouse” и скажите, как мышь помогла льву.

Ex 2. Проверьте, правильно ли вы поняли текст. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. In his den the lion

a) is jumping.       b) is sleeping.      c) is eating.

2. The lion is going

a) to kill the mouse.       b) to eat the mouse.      c) to play with the mouse.

3. The mouse

a) is laughing.      b) is running away.       c) is crying.

4. When the mouse sees the lion in the net she

a) is running away.       b) is laughing.      c) is chewing the net.

Ex 3. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом

1. The mouse jumps on the lion’s

a) paw.       b) nose.      c) head.

2. The lion is

a) happy.       b) angry.      c) laughing.

3. In the forest the mouse

a) is looking for the lion.       b) is playing.       c) is looking for food.

4. The mouse sees the lion

a) in the river.       b) in the net.       с) in the den.

Ex 4. Скажите, какие предложения правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

  1. The lion and the mouse are good friends.
  2. The lion kills the mouse.
  3. The lion is sleeping in the den.
  4. The mouse helps the lion.
  5. The lion is free.

The Lion and the Fox

lion and fox

Уровень: Elementary.

Тема: животные, хитрость.

Грамматика: Present Simple.

Количество слов: 197.

An old Lion lives in the forest. He is too old to hunt. How can he get his food? He thinks of a clever plan. He puts a note on his door. It says: “I am old and hungry. Please come and visit me before I die.” So all the animals go to see the old lion.

First a sheep comes to visit him. Then a cow, then a rabbit, then a deer, then a donkey, and last of all a young goat. After each visitor, the lion feels better. He licks his lips and smiles.

Now the fox comes to visit him. The lion asks the fox to come into his house. But the fox doesn’t come in. She is standing near his house. The fox says: “No, thank you. I don’t want to come in.”

“Why don’t you want to come in?” asks the old lion.

The fox looks at the footprints all around the lion’s house. Then she says to the lion:

“Look at these footprints. They all lead to your house, but they don’t lead out of your house. When all your visitors come out, then I will come in to visit you!”


Ex 1. Прочитайте сказку “The Lion and the Fox” и скажите, что случилось со зверями, которые приходили ко льву.

Ex 2. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Why doesn’t the old lion hunt?

a) He is ill.      b) He is lazy.      c) He is old.

2. What does he do?

a) He writes letters to all the animals.      b) He puts a note on the door.      c) He goes to hunt.

3. What animal comes first?

a) a fox      b) a sheep       c) a rabbit

4. Why doesn’t the fox come in?

a) She is clever.       b) She is afraid.      c) She is angry.

Ex 3. Продолжите предложения в соответствии с текстом

1. The lion thinks of

a) food.      b) animals.      c) a clever plan. 

2. The footprints lead

a) into the lion’s house.      b) out of the lion’s house.      c) into and out of the house.

Ex 4. Скажите, какие предложения правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

  1. The lion is young and strong.
  2. The lion is hungry.
  3. Many animals come to visit him.
  4. The animals don’t come out.
  5. The fox is clever.

Ex 5. Write some sentences about the lion. Is he kind or not?


The Talkative Frog

frog flyinf with ducks

  Уровень: Elementary.

  Тема: животные, болтливость.

  Грамматика: Present Simple.

  Количество слов: 310.

A frog lives in a pond. Two ducks live there too. They are good friends. The frog likes to talk very much. She likes to talk with the ducks. They always listen to her. But this summer they are not happy. The summer is very hot and the pond becomes dry. The two ducks can’t live in the pond. There is no water for them.

«Let’s fly to another pond,” says one duck. They go to the frog and say good-bye to her.

“Oh, I don’t want to live here without you,” cries the frog. “Take me with you, please.”

“But you can’t fly. How can we take you with us?”

The frog is very sad.

Then she says, “Oh, I know how you can help me. I am going to take the middle of the stick in my mouth and you are going to take the ends of the stick in your mouths. But don’t open your mouths. Keep the stick in your mouths.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea,” says the old duck. “But you like to talk. If you open your mouth, you are lost.” “I am not going to talk,” says the frog. The ducks bring a big stick. They take the ends of it and the frog takes the middle of it. They carry the frog over the forest and the fields. The frog wants to say, “We are very high,” but she thinks, “I can't talk.” And she does not say a word.

Then they come over a village, and people see them in the sky.“Look at the ducks! They are carrying a frog. How clever the ducks are! What a good idea,” people cry.

“That’s my idea,” cries the frog. “I am clever.” She opens her mouth and falls to the ground.

It’s a very good thing when you can hold your tongue.

Ex 1. Прочитайте сказку “The Talkative Frog” и скажите, почему упала лягушка.

Ex 2.  Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Where does the frog live?

a) in a river      b) in a pond        c) in a lake

2. Why can’t the ducks live in the pond?

a) There is no water for them.       b) The frog is too talkative     c) The water is too hot.

3. Why does the frog fall to the ground?

a) She is clever.      b) She is talkative.      c) She doesn’t want to go with the ducks.

Ex 3.  Продолжите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. The frog likes ...
  2. This summer is very ...
  3. The ducks want to go to ...
  4. The frog takes the middle of the stick ...
  5. The frog opens her mouth and ...

Ex 4. Скажите, какие предложения правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false). 

  1. The ducks don’t listen to the frog.
  2. The summer is hot and the pond becomes dry.
  3. The frog wants to fly with the ducks.
  4. The ducks have a good plan.
  5. They go over a big city.
  6. The frog doesn't open her mouth.

Ex 5. What do you think, is it good or bad to be talkative.


Answers to the Reading Comprehension Tests.

Strange Animals

Ex 1. Strange animals live on the planet Dentol.

Ex 2.      1. b) the planet Dentol                 2. c) very large                  3. b) three           4. a) Yes

Ex 3.      1. a) flat      2. b) an elephant          3. c) a cold climate.                     4. a) meat

Ex 4.       1 false                  2 true                   3 true                   4 true                   5 true                   6 true или false

Ex 5. Different answers are possible


The Lion and the Mouse.

Ex 1. She helped the lion to get out of the net.

Ex 2. 1. b) is sleeping.    2. a) to kill the mouse.   3. c) is crying.      4. c) is chewing the net.

Ex 3. 1. c) head      2. b) angry       3. c) is looking for food.     4. b) in the net.

Ex 4. 1 false     2 false    3 true      4 true     5 true

Ex 5. Different answers are possible.


The Lion and the Fox

Ex 1. The lion ate them.

Ex 2. 1.  c) He is old.      2. b) He puts a note on the door     3. b) a sheep        4. a) She is clever

Ex 3.     1. c) a clever plan. 2.  a) into the lion’s house

Ex 4 . 1 false, 2 true, 3 true, 4 true, 5 true

Ex 5. Different answers are  possible.


The Talkative Frog

Ex 1. The frog fell, because she opened its mouth.

Ex 2.  1 b) in a pond,  2 There is no water for them,  3. b) She is talkative

Ex 3.    1. to talk     2. hot       3. another pond       4. in its mouth     5. falls down

Ex 4. 1 false,  2 true,    3 true,   4 false,  5 false, 6 false

Ex 5. Different answers are possible

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2 Комментариев для "Reading comprehension: texts about animals"

  1. Екатерина | 03.11.2015 в 22:14 | Ответить


    Исправьте, пожалуйста, ошибки в задании 5 к тексту о лягушке.

    thing-think, bed-bad

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