Reading Tests About Frienship

read about friendship

Читать по-английски истории про дружбу – занятие весьма полезное. Вы не только познакомитесь с интересными и полезными историями, но и выполните тесты по чтению на английском. Тесты по чтению, предложенные ниже, подойдут для тех, чей уровень — Elementary, если говорить об учениках – то это уровень 4-5 класса.

Reading Tests.

Only When It Doesn’t Rain

Уровень: Elementary.

Тема: дружба.

Грамматика: Present simple, is / are, have / has.

Количество слов: 155.

Molly and Maggie are friends, and they are in the first form. One day Molly goes to meet Maggie, another day Maggie goes to meet Molly. Then they go school together.

One day the two girls are in the street when it begins to rain. Molly has on her school dress, and Maggie has on a raincoat.

“Let’s run!” says Maggie.

“Take off your raincoat, and let’s put it on our two heads,” Molly says.

“Oh, no. I don’t want to get wet. And it is my raincoat!” Maggie says.

When they come to school, the teacher says:

“Molly’s dress is all wet, and Maggie’s dress is not wet. Why?”

Molly says, “Maggie has a raincoat and I haven’t a raincoat.”

“Why don’t you put Maggie’s raincoat over your two heads when it rains,” the teacher says, “You are friends.” And then she says: “I see, you are friends only when it doesn’t rain.”


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст “Only When It Doesn’t Rain” и скажите, почему Молли промокла.

Упражнение 2. Ответьте.

When are Maggie and Molly good friends?

a) always   b) when the weather is good    c) when it rains

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстов

1. When it begins to rain Maggie says,

a) “Take my raincoat.”     b) “Let’s run.”    c) “We are not friends.”

2. When the girls come to school

a) Molly’s dress is wet.    b) Maggie’s dress is wet.    c) their dresses are not wet.

3. The teacher says that

a) Maggie and Molly are good friends.    b) they are not friends at all.    c) they are friends only when it doesn’t rain.

Упражнение 4. Скажите, какие предложения правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

  1. Maggie and Molly go to school together.
  2. The girls are in the street when it begins to rain.
  3. “It’s not my raincoat,” Maggie says.
  4. Maggie puts her raincoat over Molly’s head.
  5. Maggie is a good friend.

Упражнение 5. What do you think: are the girls good friends?


Bob’s New Friend

Уровень: Elementary.

Тема: дружба, чтение.

Грамматика: Present Simple, is / are, have / has.

Количество слов: 216.

One day Bob’s mother gives Bob a new book. Read this book, Bob,” says Mother. “All children like it.”

“Thank you, Mother,” says Bob. In the daytime Bob has no time to read the book. In the evening Bob is very sleepy. He only looks at the pictures. Then he puts the book on the bookshelf and goes to bed. And at night he has a dream. In his dream, he opens the book and looks at the pictures. In one of the pictures he sees a boy.

But what is it? The boy comes out of the book and says, “How do you do? What is your name?”

“My name is Bob. But who are you?” asks Bob.

“My name is Tom,” says the boy. “I have brother Sid and sister Mary.» We live with our Aunt Polly. What about you, Bob? Have you any brothers and sisters?”

“No, Tom, I haven't,” says Bob.

“No brothers and no sisters? I say, Bob. Let us be friends. I have many good friends,” says the boy.

“Well,” says Bob... And he wakes up, then he gets up and comes up to the bookshelf.

“Where is that book?” says Bob. “It is interesting. I must read it.”

Well, children! What book is it? Who is Bob’s new friend?


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст “Bob’s New Friend” и ответьте на вопросы в последнем абзаце.

Упражнение 2. Выберите правильные ответы.

1. What does Bob’s mother give Bob one evening?

a) a ball    b) a book    c) a toy

2. What does Bob do in his dream?

a) He reads the book.    b) He puts it on the shelf.    c) He opens the book and looks at the pictures.

3. Who comes out of the book?

a) a boy    b) a girl    c) a dog

4. What does the boy from the book say?

a) Let us play football.    b) Let us be friends.    c) Let us go to school.

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

1. All boys and girls

a) read this book.        b) like this book.        c) have this book.

2. In one of the pictures Bob sees

a) a bird.         b) a cat.      c) a boy.

3. The boy from the book

a) reads the book       b) plays with Bob.       c) asks questions.

4. Bob gets up and

a) goes to school.       b) goes to the bookshelf.    c) has breakfast.

Упражнение 4. Скажите, какие предложения правильные (true), а какие неправильные (false).

  1. Bob doesn’t want to read the book.
  2. At night Bob has a dream.
  3. A boy comes out of the book.
  4. Bob has no sisters and brothers.
  5. Tom lives with his mother.

Упражнение 5. Which book character can be your good friend?

Answers to the Reading Tests.

Only When It Doesn’t Rain

Упражнение 1. Molly got wet because Maggie didn't want to put her raincoat on two heads.

Упражнение 2. b

Упражнение 3. 1 -> b, 2 -> a, 3 ->c.

Упражнение 4.

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False

Упражнение 5. Different answers are possible.


Bob’s New Friend

Упражнение 1.  The book is  — Mark Twain — The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is Bob’s new friend.

Упражнение 2. 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 ->a, 4 -> b.

Упражнение 3. 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 ->c 4 -> b.

Упражнение 4.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False

Упражнение 5. Different answers are possible.

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