Условные предложения 1 типа. Упражнения

if when as soon asconditional if when

First Conditional  — важная тема в английской грамматике. Условные предложения 1 типа употребляются очень часто. Поэтому Вам просто необходимо хорошенько отработать данную тему. Следующие 12 conditionals упражнения окажутся Вам, несомненно, полезными.

Давайте немного вспомним теорию!

Conditional 1

I тип условных предложений

Употребление Придаточное пр.  Главное пр.
Эти предложения выражают вполне реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к будущему или настоящему времени.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

Future Simple, can, may, might, must, should, Imperative

If the weather is nice, we’ll go for a walk. – Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём на прогулку.

If you have taken the books, you can start working on your article.

If you see Greg, ask him to ring me up.

Если вы увидите Грега, попросите его позвонить мне по


Как видите, употребление conditional 1 – не самая сложная тема. Несколько хороших упражнений – и Вы овладеете ей в совершенстве. Итак, переходим к conditionals упражнениям.

First Conditional Exercises.

Упражнение 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________  (go) to play in the yard.
  2. If Peter__________ (not  come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.
  3. If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the seaside.
  4. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.
  5. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.
  6. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.
  7. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.
  8. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.
  9. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.
  10. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.
  11. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).
  12. As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat.


Упражнение 2. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional.

Maria is a girl from your country. She is studying English and she'd like to visit an English-speaking country.


If Maria (go) abroad, she (go) to England or America. She (visit) London if she (go) to England. If she (stay) in London, she (spend) much money. She (not be able) to stay for long if she (spend) all her money. If her holiday (be) very short, she (not practice) her English. It (be) a pity if she (not try) to speak English.

Упражнение 3. Make up conditional 1 sentences with if-clauses.

Example: Molly leave now / catch the bus .

— If Molly leaves now, she’ll catch the bus.

  1. stay in bed / feel better
  2. work hard / get a job
  3. go shopping / spend much money
  4. ride a bike / get there quickly —
  5. eat carrots/see well in the dark .
  6. come now/go out together

Упражнение 4. Connect the sentences with when or if to form the first conditional.

Jack will come. We shall play chess. — When Jack comes, we shall play chess.

  1. All the pupils will come to school tomorrow. We shall write a test then.
  2. I’ll meet Ann after school. I’ll give her my album.
  3. You’ll not do your homework. The teacher will be angry.
  4. Mike won’t come today. We’ll play football without him.
  5. I’ll finish school with good marks. My father will take me to the seaside. .
  6. My school record may not be very good. Mom will be very upset.

Упражнение 5. Continue the chain stories. Use conditional 1.


If Brian has a lot of money, he’ll buy a bike.

If he buys a bike, he’ll ...

If he rides it ...

If …


If you don’t do well at school, you’ll become a bad pupil.

If you become a bad pupil, you’ll stay ...

If you stay ...

If ...

Упражнение 6. Study the list of prizes and speak for Nick and Tom, using conditional 1.

When Nick has breakfast at Tom’s house, he sees a packet of cornflakes on the table. On the back of it he sees this paper.


1st prize  - a holiday in New York,

 2nd prize  - a motor-bike.

3rd-5th prize — a tent.

6th-12th prize — a cassette-recorder.

13th-20th prize — a camera.

21st-36th prize — an alarm-clock.

37th-50th prize — a book of flowers of Britain.

51st-99th prize — a T-shirt with Big Ben on it.

After reading it Tom has sent the answers.

a) Nick says to Tom:

  1. If you win the first prize, you’ll get a holiday in New York.
  2. If you win the second prize, you’ll get ... .
  3. If you win the third prize, you’ll ...
  4. If you win ...
  5. If ...
  6. If ...
  7. If ...
  8. If ...

b) Tom answers:

  1. If I win a holiday in New York, I’ll come and visit you.
  2. If I win …
  3. If I …
  4. If…
  5. If…
  6. If …
  7. If …
  8. If …

Упражнение 7. Make conditional sentences.

  1. I’ll buy a colour film and take a lot of pictures if …
  2. I’ll have a party and we can dance to music if …
  3. I’ll go camping in the Lake District if …
  4. Molly’ll learn a lot of things if…
  5. I shan’t sit with you at the same desk unless…
  6. I’ll send her a letter as soon as …
  7. If he does his homework every day he …
  8. If he comes in the afternoon we …
  9. If you live in a big city what …?
  10. If Milly gives me her address, I …
  11. If you don’t stop talking, the teacher …

Упражнение 8. Answer the questions in conditional 1.

What will you do

  • if it rains on Sunday?
  • if your friends don’t play with you?
  • if your TV doesn’t work this evening?
  • if you lose your school record-book?
  • when the lessons are over?
  • when your holiday comes?
  • when your friend comes to see you tonight?
  • when you finish your homework?

Упражнение 9. Imagine that you are eighteen and you have finished school. What will you do then? Develop the following situation. Begin like this.

When I’m eighteen, I think I’ll I don’t think I’ll ..., but if , I’ll try

Упражнение 10. Join two sentences into one using if.

  1. It will rain today. We shall not go for a walk.
  2. Don’t move. You’ll fall down.
  3. The wind will change. There will be snow.
  4. I’ll be careful. I will not break the cups.
  5. You have free time now. Come for a walk with me.
  6. I’ll go hiking in summer. I’ll see a lot of interesting things.
  7. He’ll go shopping. He’ll buy some exercise-books for me.

Упражнение 11. Complete the sentences.

  1. Your Dad will get angry if you ... .
  2. My Mum will be happy if I ... .
  3. My sister will shout at me if I ...
  4. The teacher will not be happy if we ...
  5. You will do well at school if you ...

Упражнение 12. Write answers to the questions.

  1. What will you do if you jump into the river and see a crocodile there?
  2. What will your mother do if you break her favourite vase?
  3. What will the teacher do if you don’t do what she asks you to do?
  4. What will your friends do if you call them bad names?
  5. What will you do if you loose your school record- book? .

Ну вот и все на сегодня по теме условные предложения 1 типа. I hope you find these first conditional exercises useful. Сonditionals упражнения позволят Вам почувствовать уверенность в своем английском!

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

26 Комментариев для "Условные предложения 1 типа. Упражнения"

  1. Хороший сайт. Но нет ключей на упражнения.

  2. супер. ребята, огромное спасибо за столь подробные и качественные упражение -отлично для проработки

  3. Отличный сайт! Занимаюсь с детьми, уже своей фантазии на упражнения не хватает. А на сайте — множество разнообразных интересных упражнений! Спасибо за идеи!

  4. Огромное спасибо! Выручили в трудную минуту! Очень хорошие упражнения!

  5. хорошие задания, а где можно взять ключи?

  6. Упражнение 1

    1. Comes,will go

    2 doesn't come, will watch

    3 have,will go

    4 have, will stay

    5 thickens,will put up

    6 finish,will go

    7 will buy,gives

    8 come,will show

    9 will return,ask

    10 will wait,comes

    11 will start,rises

    12 finish,will present

  7. Мне показалось странным использование shell в 4 упражнении Jack will come. We shall play chess. — When Jack comes, we shall play chess. Объясните, пожалуйста, почему здесь shell? Понятно, что вопрос не по теме, но как-то обескураживает ...

    • Елена, не shell, a shall. Раньше shall употреблялся для будущего времени после I и We. на данный момент, во всех лицах употребляется will, однако я решила оставить и упражнение с shall, так как периодически встречается и данный вариант, и не хотелось бы, чтобы он приводил к панике )))

  8. Все верно!

  9. Очень полезная статья, спасибо!

  10. Александр | 01.02.2018 в 11:46 | Ответить

    Упражнение 2


    2.will go

    3.will visit



    6.will spend

    7.won`t be able



    10.won`t practice

    11.will be

    12.won`t try UPD: 12 doesn't try — верный вариант

    Правильно ?

  11. Почему во 2-ом упр. в п.12 won`t try?

    В главной части мы использовали Future Simple, значит в условной должно быть время Present Simple. Или нет???

  12. Очень полезный сайт. Можно практивовать свой английский. Жаль нет ключей

  13. Спасибо, теперь разберусь в этой теме. Огромное спасибо не первый раз пользуюсь этим сайтом.

  14. Прекрасные задания, оригинальные, а не банальные «Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в правильной форме». Большое спасибо!!!

  15. Проверьте, пожалуйста, ответы к 4 упражнению:







  16. 3 упражнение

    1-If you stay in bed, you'll feel better.

    2-If you work hard, you will get a job.

    3-If I gi shopping, I will spend much money.

    4-If you ride a bike, you'll get there very quickly.

    5-If you eat carrots, you will see well in the dark.

    6-If you come now, we'll go out together.


    1) We will write test,if all students come.

    2) I'll give Ann her album,if I meet her.

    3) If you don't do your homework,teacher will be angry.

    4) If Mike doesn't come, we will play football without him.

    5) When I finish school with good grades, my dad will take me to the seaside.

    6) If my grades doesn't very good, my mom will be very upset.



    If Brian has a lot of money, he’ll buy a bike.

    If he buys a bike, he’ll ride it.

    If he rides it, he will get to school really fast.

    If he get to school at time, teacher won't shout at him.


    If you don’t do well at school, you’ll become a bad pupil.

    If you become a bad pupil, you’ll stay for the second year.

    If you stay for the second year, you will waste your time.

    If waste your time, you will be less confident in yourself.

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