Внеклассное чтение – важный аспект изучения иностранного языка. Читая дополнительные тексты, вы или ваш ребенок не просто узнаете много новых слов, но и приблизитесь к пониманию строя языка, ведь чем больше читаешь – тем роднее становится иностранный язык. Сегодня предлагаю вам несложную, но и не самую простую сказку «Chicken Licken» (Цыпленок Цыпа). Если вы задаетесь вопросом: что почитать на английском летом пятикласснику или шестикласснику, — то данная сказка будет в самый раз. Дайте ребенку текст сказки с заданиями – пусть почитает, разберется, а вы сможете проверить его, даже не зная языка, ведь к заданиям прилагаются ответы.
Перевод выделенных слов дан после текста. Данные слова рекомендуется заучить. Перевод некоторых фраз дан непосредственно в тексте.
Сказка на английском. CHICKEN LICKEN
- Chicken Licken – Цыпленок Цыпа
- Henny Penny – Курочка Пенни
- Cocky Locky– Петушок Локки
- Ducky Wucky– Утенок Вакки
- Goosey Woosey– Гусенок Вуззи
- Turkey Lurkey – Индюшонок Ларки
- Foxy Woxy– Лисичка Вокси
One morning Chicken Licken was walking along the road when a small acorn fell, and landed (упал, приземлился) right on her head. She was surprised and very scared because she thought it was a piece (кусочек) of the sky. She was sure the sky was falling in (падает). She began to hurry down the road (вниз по дороге) to the King's palace to tell him the terrible news.
On the way (по пути), she met her old friend, Henny Penny. When Chicken Licken told her that the sky was falling in, Henny Penny was surprised and scared too. So Henny Penny and Chicken Licken hurried (поспешили) together down the road to the King’s palace. Soon they met their old friend Cocky Locky. When he heard that the sky was falling in, Cocky Locky wanted to come with them. So the three friends hurried quickly down the road to the King's castle. Pretty soon (довольно скоро) they met their friend Ducky Wucky. As soon as (как только) they told him that the sky was falling in, he was just as scared as they were and wanted to come with them to tell the King the terrible news.
Now Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky and Ducky Wucky all hurried down the road and soon they met their old friend Goosey Woosey. They told him immediately about the sky falling in. As soon as he heard the news, he wanted to come with them. So now Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Wucky and Goosey Woosey all hurried together down the road to the King's castle.
As they were hurrying along the road, just as fast as they could go, they ran right into their old friend Turkey Lurkey. He was surprised to see all of his friends running along the road, but when they told him the terrible news about the sky falling in, he was even more surprised. Turkey Lurkey decided to join them right away.
Now they were all hurrying along the road when suddenly they met Foxy Woxy. Foxy Woxy was very surprised to see all those wonderful animals running along the road. He asked Chicken Licken and her friends where they were going. They didn’t have time to stop, but as they were running along, they told Foxy Woxy the story of the sky falling in and explained that they had to tell the King.
Now Foxy Woxy was a clever fellow. He didn't believe for a minute that the sky was really falling in, but he knew that Chicken Licken and her friends would make (составили бы) a wonderful Sunday dinner. So he pretended to be just as surprised and scared as they were and said, “Come follow me (Следуйтезамной). I'll take you to the King”. So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Wucky, Goosey Woosey, and Turkey Lurkey all followed Foxy Woxy and nobody ever saw them again . And nobody told the King.
Список слов, рекомендуемых для заучивания.
acorn scared castle terrible join explained (explain) pretended (pretend) |
желудь напуган замок ужасный присоединиться объяснил (объяснять) притворился (притворяться) |
Упражнения по сказке Chicken Licken.
Упражнение 1. While reading the fairy-tale “Chicken Licken” see which of the statements are true (T) or false (F). Определите, верны (T) или неверны (F) высказывания.
- A small acorn fell on Chicken Licken's head.
- She thought it was a piece of a cloud.
- Henny Penny joined Chicken Licken and they hurried down to the King’s palace.
- Cocky Locky didn’t agree to join the friends.
- Goosy Woosy wanted to come with the friends.
- Ducky Wucky joined them after Goosy Woosy.
- When Turkey Lurkey heard the terrible news he refused to join his old friends.
- Foxy Woxy didn't believe Chicken Licken that the sky was really falling.
- Foxy Woxy took the friends to the King's castle.
Упражнение 2. Can you say why the story is so sad? Скажите, почему история грустная.
A. The story is so sad because the birds believed Foxy Woxy and Foxy ate them.
B. The birds didn't know that Foxy Woxy couldn’t be a friend.
C. Foxy Woxy pretended to believe that the sky was falling in.
D. Foxy Woxy knew he wanted to eat the birds up.
Упражнение 3. What can you tell the birds when they follow the fox? Что бы вы сказали птицам, которые следовали за лисой?
1. Follow the fox, he will take you to the King.
2. Don't follow the fox, he will eat you up.
3. Don't follow the fox, he will not take you to the King.
4. Follow the fox, he is a nice friend.
5. Follow the fox, he will help you see the King.
Упражнение 1.
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. F
Упражнение 2. A.
Упражнение 3. 2.
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