Выполнение упражнений на запоминание английских идиом, несомненно, значительно обогатит ваш разговорный английский, сделает его ярким и непосредственным. Предлагаю вашему вниманию упражнение на отработку английских идиом со словом air. Если при выполнении данного задания у вас возникнут сложности – обратите внимание на список идиом с air.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящую английскую идиому.
- If Mike doesn’t pay a considerable sum of money the blackmailer will _________ his love affairs.
- She is always ______________, but in reality she hasn’t succeeded in anything.
- Rumors that the boss is going to retire were _____________.
- My plans for the next week were_____________.
- Our senator is said __________ tonight with a highly important report.
- When she learned the good news, she ______________.
- Tom didn’t expect the company ___________________.
- Never believe Jane – she is _______________.
- Kate will never marry George: her words are just __________.
- __________________ and looked very haughty.
- give air to
- building castles in the air
- were in the air
- up in the air
- to go in the air
- she walked on air
- to give him the air
- full of hot air
- hot air
- they put their noses in the air
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